Monday 8 November 2010

A2 Advanced Media Portfolio

WEEK 1 – w/c 13/09/10
(pre-production: mock-ups & storyboarding)

During the course of my research, I used a range of different websites to find out more about different movies within my genre category and also those categorised in other genres so I could learn about their conventions such as attributes of that particular genre, graphics, use of colour etc.

I took the advantage of the internet to read about and watch video’s relating to my project.

Information obtained:
Titles of films: within my genre:
The Godfather
The Dark Knight
Terminator 2: Judgement Day
The Shining
The Departed
Reservoir Dogs

Videos of trailers within my genre:
Characteristics of Crime Thriller/ Horror film trailers:
-       Shot’s that don’t reveal too much e.g. close up’s or extreme close up’s
-       A lot of P.O.V shots to involve the reader
-       Tense music, synchronized with the ‘action’
-       An eerie narrator
-       Text on screen that works simultaneously with sound and action
-       Significant dialogue relevant to the movie
-       Title in the middle in the trailer
-       Quick cuts between shots
-       A jigsaw-like storyline
-       Quick paced
Genre information: This particular genre is a mixture of both crime films and thrillers that offers a suspenseful account of a successful or failed crime or crimes. These films often focus on the criminal(s) rather than a policeman.

Crime thrillers usually emphasise action over psychological aspects. Central topics of these films include serial killers/murders, robberies, chases, shootouts, heists and double-crosses.

Here I made comparisons to other professional media products – their conventions in relation to the genre and how I am going to apply them to my project.

How I will apply them in my work
Formal font choice used on title e.g. Arial, Times New Roman, Impact, Monotype Corsiva ect.
This will appeal to the somewhat matured and educated target audience (above 15 years old).
Graphics and images that don’t reveal too much about the film and/or the identity of the protagonist
This creates some inconspicuousness in the film with is one attribute used because revelations like the protagonist’s identity is some times held back until very late in the movie – in Thriller and Horror genres.
Camera shots and angles that don’t reveal too much about what’s going to happen
This convention relates to the point above, not giving away too much. I’m going to apply this convention to contiunually have the viewer at the edge of their seat always wanting more.
A combination of text and images used on the screen
This convention can be used to maintain a sense of anxiety in the viewer and keep them thinking about possible outcomes in the movie.

                                WEEK 2 – w/c 20/09/10
(pre-production: mock-ups & storyboarding; update presentation)

Here I have taken the advantage of another internet source to do some brief research on the target audience of my genre including who they are and how I will attract them.

We decided that we are going to make our project of certification, 15 and targeted at between 16 – 25 which we learned is the most common cinema age range.

                             WEEK 3 – w/c 27/09/10
(production: writing and shooting & presentation session)

Presentation Feedback

Main Task:
Mr Higgins: Visually stunning
-          Really good,looks professional

Class: “It looks too much like a short film rather than a teaser trailer – need to adapt that”


I utilized my time this week to develop my storyboard from what was “too much like a short film” into what was more like a teaser trailer. One of the conventions I decided to implement was the use of text within the trailer and part of this includes the name of the distribution company and producers.

I researched the names of popular ones for my genre. Below I have listed a few:

-          Paramount Pictures (The Godfather)
-          Miramax (Reservoir Dogs)
-          Universal studios
-          Warner Bro’s (Inception)

As a group we decided we want to use a popular company in order to attract an immediate audience. These companies have the money needed in order to pull off a successful Blockbuster. They also have a sufficient customer awareness level which means that viewer’s may want to watch it just because the producers are well established and their previous films were successful.

WEEK 4 – w/c 04/10/10
                    (production: writing and shooting)

The following has been extracted from our most recent storyboard showing some of the significant changes made:

This is just a brief extract of some of the sequence we are planning to put together, using conventions seen in other teasers. The use of the text on a constant background breaks up the sequence to take away the linear aspect of the narrative. The constant background and plain font creates a mature outlook that can appeal to the target audience.

WEEK 5 – w/c 11/10/10
(production: writing and shooting)

Below is a copy of a questionnaire that I drafted in order to help conduct the necessary research for my project.

Please take some short time to fill out these short questions as honestly as possible in order to help assist me on some research for my A-Level media coursework; your input will be much appreciated!!

1.         What is your gender?
(Please circle  one)
Male                                      Female                                 Undisclosed

2.         What is your age range?
(Please circle  one)
0 – 9                                       10 – 19                                  20 – 29                                  30+

3.         What area of London do you live in?
(e.g. South West, North East, Central, West etc.)


4.         What is your favourite genre(s) of film?
(Please circle  one)

Action                     Adventure                    Comedy                    Crime

Documentary         Drama                          Family                       Fantasy

Horror                    Musical                         Mystery

5.       Why?

6.       Can you list your 5 favourite films in order of how much you like them?

7.         What’s the latest film you watched


8.         Where did you watch it?
(e.g. Cinema, home DVD, home online etc.)

(If cinema, please state the name e.g. Odeon, Vue, Cineworld etc.)

9.         How did you hear about it?
(e.g. word of mouth, trailer, internet etc.)


10.     What is the most appealing marketing technique for you?
(e.g. word of mouth, trailer, internet etc.)

11.     Do trailers have any impact on you?
(Please circle  one)

Yes                                         No

12.     Name 5 trailers that have impacted you watching a film


Thank you for your time, it is much appreciated – However unlike other questionnaires, I’m not going to promise you a reward for completion but thanks all the same :)

WEEK 6 – w/c 18/10/10
(production: writing and shooting; update presentation; transfer to

After handing out a sample size of 50 questionnaires in many areas within the London area here are the results I collected:

Results for closed questions
Question 1
25 – male respondents, 25 – female respondents
Question 2
13 – (0 – 9 year old), 30 – (10 – 19 year old), 5 (20 – 29 year olds), 2 – (30+ year old)
Question 4
Action – 9, Adventure – 6, Comedy – 6, Crime – 9, Documentary – 1, Drama – 6, Family – 3, Fantasy – 3, Horror – 5, Musical – 0, Mystery – 2
Question 11
41 – yes, 9 – no


I tried to keep an equal number of male and female respondents to ensure my results were as reliable as possible. However I didn't get an equal number from each age range so the results are going to be somewhat biased to the target age range.
   The results may be somewhat inaccurate because 50 respondents doesn't represent the whole population.
   However I came to the conclusion that viewers find trailers extremely enticing especially those that contain a lot more action than dialogue so it's - quick paced.